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We are the
Executed Agreements Company

Access to trusted contract data is now within your reach. Transform your executed agreements into a contract system of record with 98% accuracy — guaranteed no matter what technologies you use across the enterprise. Request Demo Watch Overview Compu Home Edit
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We deliver a
Contract System of Record

Realize an immediate, tangible lift in time, frustration, profit, and risk mitigation. Obtain contract order, gain efficiencies, and see the entire counterparty relationship in a few clicks. Get the Essentials Watch Overview Contract System Of Record
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You receive
Advanced Contract Analytics & Data

Answer any question you have about your contracts – at the individual or portfolio level — in seconds, not hours or days. Legal, procurement, sales, finance, and IT now have the power to work cross-functionally from a single source of truth that delivers the contract intelligence needed to create enterprise-wide synergies. Request Demo Watch Overview Laptop Screenshot Analytics

What we do

Knowable is the market leader in post-signature contract management.
We combine advanced machine learning with legal experts to map complex statements into simple, highly accurate answers of what’s in your contracts – no matter the type, complexity, language, or format. Legal, procurement, sales, finance, and IT now have the power to work cross-functionally from a single source of truth.

Policies Icon@2x
Organize Contracts
Search Intelligently
Manage Risk
Minimize Cost
Maximize Revenue
Optimize Policies
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Our approach

Start with the Essentials.

We collect, organize, clean and de-dupe your contracts, make them searchable, and present them in families so you can see how the counterparty relationship evolved and stands.

Take a stepwise approach to deliver deeper data.
This gives enterprises the analytics they need to enforce entitlements, meet obligations and manage risk and compliance.
Receive pristine data wherever it’s needed.
Data is available in real-time through the Knowable Insights platform and by streaming it into your ERP ecosystem.

80% of companies don’t know what’s in their contracts, and don’t have an easy way to find out, even with sophisticated CLM technologies in place. This blind spot costs billions per year in wasted time, exposure to risk, and profit leakage. Knowable completes the contract management lifecycle with purpose-built technology that gives corporate clients revolutionary visibility into the executed agreements that govern their businesses

See it for yourself.

For decades, executed agreements have been a frustrating mess, wasting everyone’s time and money and creating risk. Knowable creates order, visibility, and accurate answers, without requiring complex integrations or behavior change from your busy team. That’s why many of the world’s biggest companies have shifted to Knowable.


Average annual ROI


Annual efficiency savings for every 20K contracts


Average time reduction to answer one question

Customer Success

The Legal operations team of a Fortune 500 FinTech company faced
challenges helping users access accurate information about their executed contracts. Here’s how they boosted efficiency, profit and risk management with Knowable.

Best Practice Guide

Slow contract negotiations are why legal departments are often seen as business bottlenecks. What would it mean for your team if you could compress contract negotiation cycle times and operate at the speed of business?


With the advent of artificial intelligence, enterprises need to quickly learn how to harness the power of human intelligence and AI.  Daniel Lewis from LegalOn and Knowable’s Nik Reed help you think through the pros and cons.

Client Accolades